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# for take-off: 266


This week: Guest Co-Host Dave Hilfman; A look into the “major” report on airline fees from U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) chaired by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT); Budget allocations & potential for...

# for take-off: 265


This week: Guest Co-Host Oscar Munoz, Fmr Chairman, United; Plus: Andrew Watterson, COO, SWA, with Scott McCartney at ONT “State of the Airport” day in Ontario CA; News: Spirit’s “Basic Economy Bankruptcy” moves...

# for take-off: 264


This week: Chris Sloan reports on the A321 XLR inaugural flight; Plus: Facts, context, and perspective on the Spirit prepackaged bankruptcy plan, what Ben would say, and what happens next; Gunshots hit multiple aircraft; Court rules Oakland is not...

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